Emma Clark Lam
Writer & podcaster

Welcome to my website! I am a freelance writer, podcaster and author.
As a former BBC journalist, I enjoy working on diverse projects that range from writing articles to producing podcasts and undertaking book commissions. My key skills include interviewing, story-telling, research and editing. I am also highly organised and a practised communicator.
Contact me on info@EmmaClarkLam.com if you would like to discuss a project.
I am currently working on an exciting podcast series for Chicago Booth business school to accompany its art exhibition 'Unapologetically' on the London campus.
In my spare time, I write upmarket romances and have been long-listed in four different novel prizes.
Growing up, I lived in Indonesia, Abu Dhabi, Oman and Ibiza. I studied English at Oxford University, before training as a journalist with Euromoney Institutional Investor. A posting to New York developed my skills as an editor and a manager. After moving back to London, I joined BBC News Online as a business & economics journalist. I turned freelance in 2006.
Home is now South Oxfordshire, where I live with my husband and two children.
I was thrilled to create a podcast series to accompany Chicago Booth's London art collection. I interviewed artists and curators about the ideas behind their work, and edited five episodes of 20-25 minutes.
I was commissioned by Public Health Wales and NHS Scotland to interview teachers, social workers and prison officers for a handbook about the toxic impact of adverse childhood experiences (known as ACEs).
In conjunction with the WHO, I wrote and researched, Safety First - Stories and Key Figures on Violence, Injuries and their Prevention. The book included interviews with celebrities involved with violence and/or injuries.
Safety First,
Writing Fiction

This is me with my creative hat on. In my spare time, I love writing fiction, usually upmarket romances, comedy or a bit of domestic noir. Spending a day crafting a scene always lifts my mood.
Back in 2017, I won a place on the Curtis Brown Creative writing course, and I've never looked back. In 2023, I enrolled on Developing your Novel and Polishing your Work at Oxford University's department for continuing education. I am also part of an inspiring writing group; we cheerlead and offer each other mutual support.
For my two most recent novels (WIPs) I have been long-listed in the following competitions:
Mslexia 2023 Adult Novel Competition
The Retreat West 1st Chapter Competition 2023
The 2021 Exeter Novel Prize
Blue Pencil Agency 2020 Pitch Prize
I was also short-listed for my short story, Moonlight Jasmine, in the 2015 Henley Literary Festival Short Story competition.
It's my dream to get published one day!
News &
I've been creating my own worlds during lockdown 3. For starters, I've been imagining what it was like to be caught up in the September 11 attacks. Read about my NYC novel
My book on the toxic impact of childhood trauma. About half of us have experienced adversity - we can also overcome it with the right support. Read more
My short story, Moonlight Jasmine, is shortlisted in the Henley Literary Festival's 2015 Short Story Competition. Read about Connie's secret
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